Electron 팀과 커뮤니티의 최근 소식입니다. RSS 피드로 구독할 수 있습니다.
Today we’re announcing some improvements to Electron’s documentation. Every new release now includes a JSON file that describes all of Electron’s public APIs in detail. We created this file to enable developers to use Electron’s API documentation in interesting new ways.
As a language with garbage collection, JavaScript frees users from managing resources manually. But because Electron hosts this environment, it has to be very careful avoiding both memory and resources leaks.
This post introduces the concept of weak references and how they are used to manage resources in Electron.
8월에 추가된 새 Electron 앱입니다.
접근 가능한 애플리케이션을 만드는 것은 중요합니다. 우리는 새 기능 Devtron 과 Spectron 을 소개할 수 있어 기쁩니다. 이것들은 개발자가 모두에게 더 좋은 앱을 만들 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.
As of Electron version 1.3.1, you can npm install electron --save-dev
install the latest precompiled version of Electron in your app.
This is the second post in an ongoing series explaining the internals of Electron. Check out the first post about event loop integration if you haven’t already.
Most people use Node for server-side applications, but because of Node’s rich API set and thriving community, it is also a great fit for an embedded library. This post explains how Node is used as a library in Electron.
Electron 커뮤니티의 활동을 돋보이게 하기 위해 월간 라운드업을 시작했습니다. 각 라운드업은 새로운 앱, 다가올 밋업, 도구, 영상 등으로 구성될 것입니다.
This is the first post of a series that explains the internals of Electron. This post introduces how Node’s event loop is integrated with Chromium in Electron.
Looking for an introduction to Electron? Two new podcasts have just been released that give a great overview of what it is, why it was built, and how it is being used.
For the last two years, Electron has helped developers build cross platform desktop apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Now we’re excited to share a major milestone for our framework and for the community that created it. The release of Electron 1.0 is now available from electron.atom.io.
Electron 0.37
was recently released and included a major upgrade from Chrome 47 to Chrome 49 and also several new core APIs. This latest release brings in all the new features shipped in Chrome 48 and Chrome 49. This includes CSS custom properties, increased ES6 support, KeyboardEvent
improvements, Promise
improvements, and many other new features now available in your Electron app.
Building an Electron application means you only need to create one codebase and design for one browser, which is pretty handy. But because Electron stays up to date with Node.js and Chromium as they release, you also get to make use of the great features they ship with. In some cases this eliminates dependencies you might have previously needed to include in a web app.
Since the beginning of Electron, starting way back when it used to be called Atom-Shell, we have been experimenting with providing a nice cross-platform JavaScript API for Chromium’s content module and native GUI components. The APIs started very organically, and over time we have made several changes to improve the initial designs.
Recently Electron added two exciting features: a Mac App Store compatible build and a built-in Windows auto updater.
최근에 Electron 에 몇몇 흥미로운 업데이트와 얘기가 있습니다, 주목해주세요.
9월 29일에 Github 본사에서 Atom 멤버 @jlord 와 @kevinsawicki 가 주최하는 Electron 밋업에 오세요. Electron 으로 멋진 일을 하는 다른 사람들과 만날 수 있습니다. 흥미로운 주제에 대한 짧은 발표 시간이 있습니다. 그곳에서 만나길 바래요!
이번주에 우리는 홈페이지 electron.atom.io 에 Electron 문서를 추가하였습니다. /docs/latest 에서 최신 문서를 볼 수 있습니다. 또한, 이전 버전의 문서도 유지할 것 입니다. /docs/vX.XX.X 에서 사용중인 버전의 문서를 확인하세요.
이제 Atom Shell 은 Electron 으로 부릅니다. Electron 을 배우거나 사용하는 곳을 알려면 새 홈페이지 electron.atom.io 로 오세요.